Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Posted Jun 15, 2024 - 08:02 PDT
SERVICE IMPACT The services listed below will be impacted during the maintenance window. Do not perform any large data imports or changes until the maintenance is completed. The service disconnection can occur any time after the maintenance start is announced via the status site.
- Intapp Integration Service (IIS) - Intapp Reporting Service (IRS) - Intapp Identity Service (IDM)
MAINTENANCE CONTENT - General Infrastructure improvements
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - IRS is the reporting service used by most Intapp cloud applications. - IDM is the authentication service used by most Intapp cloud applications. - IIS in the integration service used for most cloud-based integrations. - If you have any questions, please contact
Posted May 24, 2024 - 12:47 PDT
This scheduled maintenance affected: CA (DealCloud PS CA1, Risk/Flow CA1, Walls CA1, Flow CA1, Time CA1, Intapp Integration Service (IIS) CA1), EU (DealCloud PS EU1, Risk/Flow EU1, Walls EU1, Flow EU1, Time EU1, Pricing EU, Intapp Integration Service (IIS) EU1, Experience EU, Relationships EU), and US (DealCloud PS US1, Risk/Flow US1, Walls US1, Flow US1, Time US1, Pricing US, Intapp Integration Service (IIS) US1, Experience US, Relationships US).